School Clubs
Primary school milton keynes Primary school milton keynes
Breakfast & After School Clubs

Treetop Childcare offer wrap around care to support working parents with childcare requirements and to provide important enrichment which is available to all children.

As a school we also provide a variety of extra curricular clubs. Information regarding clubs and bookings are communicated to parents via ParentMail each term.

Breakfast Club

Provider: Treetop Childcare
Booking Information: To book a place in the breakfast club, please refer to the links for Treetop Childcare.
For more information call: 07949 844 585 / 07507 161 244 or email
Please see Treetop website for terms and conditions. If you need further assistance, you may contact them directly for guidance on the booking process.

school milton keynes
After-School Club

Location: Emerson Valley School. Children are walked to Emerson Valley School from Merebrook by members of school staff
Booking Information: To book a place please login to your Arbor account. If you need further assistance or require a last minute booking (less than 24 hours notice) please telephone the school office 01908 522 876.

parent Testimonial
“Lovely team and very helpful, my children love the activities and atmosphere.”
Primary school milton keynes Primary school milton keynes
New Parents
New child due to start school September 2023? Check here for more detail.
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