We organise events to raise much needed funds for Merebrook Infant School, including:
- Gift Shops
- Christmas Fayre
- Magic Shows
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Summer Fete
-Movie Nights
You may be surprised to learn just how many wonderful resources CHoMS have managed to secure for the school through its fundraising activities. These include:
- Reading and library books
- Bikes and scooters
- “Numicon” maths equipment
- Forest School materials
- Water bottles for new starters
- Dictionaries for leavers
- Bike racks
- Class Christmas presents
and much more...
The support of parents and caregivers is vital to the success of CHoMS. If you can volunteer your time to assist with any event, we will be delighted to hear from you. Please speak to any member of the CHoMS committee (listed below), or get in touch via email or our facebook page – choms@merebrookschool.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/championsofmerebrookschool
Chair: Amy Stephenson
Treasurer: Carly Pereira
Secretary: Debbie Harnett
Supporting members: Danielle Nicholls, Kelly Flesher-Hayes, Charlotte Ross, Sami Mooney and Misty Bell