Merebrook Infant School is part of the 5 Dimensions Multi Academy Trust. An academy trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity.
The local governing body is part of a wider governance structure within the Trust who meet each term. The remit of the committee is to support the vision of the Trust and to monitor and be accountable for the performance and standard of the school.
Our governors provide challenge and support to our school with the aim of ensuring our students make expected progress. We are fortunate to have governors who comprise staff, parents and local community members all of which have a wide range of skills and expertise to discharge their duties and responsibilities.
The charging and remissions policy can be found on the 5 Dimensions Trust website HERE
Please visit our Trust website for full local governing body details HERE
Annual accounts for the Trust can also be found on the 5 Dimensions Trust website HERE
Schools Financial Benchmarking 5 Dimensions Trust - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK
Should you wish to contact the governing body, please email:
Ms H Carty
Clerk to the Trustees/Governing Body
Ifrah Siddiqui
Chair of the Local Governing Body